About me
Hi, my name is Ivo Näpflin. I work at getAbstract, where I'm leading product development.
I'm also an independent photographer. I take photos for conferences and other stuff. In my entire life, I have taken about 100'000 photos, 900 of which are on my photo blog.
Among other things, I find interesting: the internet, journalism, knowledge and its application, conversational UI, user experience design, the process of organizational learning and intrapreneurship.
I like learning new things. As a kid, I used to take all kinds of objects apart. I still like using things in ways they're not intended to be used, which is what some people would call hacking. Also, I consider travelling a form of hacking.
I like creative solutions to tough problems and I like questioning the status quo. In order to make up for the resulting mess, I also like organizing and structuring things.